Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mortgage Interest Deduction Vital to Housing Market (

The home mortgage interest deduction saves the average home owner thousands of dollars at tax time, supports home values at the community level, and helps American home buyers get into their firsthouse.

Supporting the mortgage interest deduction means helping families afford homes. Image: Image Source/Getty Images.

Having a tax deduction for mortgage interest makes owning a home more affordable because the deduction lowers the amount of tax you pay. U.S. Census data shows 37% of home owners with mortgages spend more than 30% of their income for housing. Paying less for housing means having more disposable income for savings and other household expenses.

Increasing housing affordability increases the number of renters who can afford to buy a home of their own responsibly; increasing the number of home buyers helps keep home prices stable for those who already own homes by ensuring a steady stream of new buyers.

How the deduction works

In general, any home owners who pay U.S. taxes and who itemize their taxes can deduct mortgage interest attributable to primary residence and second-home debt totaling $1 million, and interest paid on home equity debt of as much as $100,000.

In recent years, the mortgage interest deduction has come under attack. Among the suggestions for cutting it back to deal with the deficit:

  • Reduce the mortgage interest deduction for upper-income taxpayers—they’d only receive 28 cents on the dollar, even if they’re in a 33% or 35% tax bracket and can now deduct 33 or 35 cents on the dollar.   

  • Reduce the $1 million cap by $100,000 a year.

In the past, members of Congress have suggested other mechanisms for eliminating or limiting the mortgage interest deduction. None of those has ever gained traction.

Arguments against mortgage interest deduction

Arguments against the mortgage interest deduction center on who benefits and whether the government should support home ownership. They say:

  • It primarily helps the wealthy, since high-income taxpayers are more likely to itemize their deductions and to own homes. About 90% of taxpayers earning more than $100,000 itemize, while only 18% of those earning less than $50,000 follow suit, the Tax Foundation estimates.

  • Taxpayers who don’t itemize deductions get to use the “standard deduction.” They do that because it gives them a bigger tax break than itemizing to use the mortgage interest deduction.

  • In the aftermath of the mortgage crisis, the U.S. needs to rethink its favored tax treatment of home ownership.

Those who favor keeping the mortgage interest deduction say it helps middle-income families, who already pay nearly all U.S. income taxes. Plus, getting rid of the mortgage interest deduction would hurt home prices.

  • A disproportionate number of those high-income taxpayers live in areas where housing is especially expensive, such as California and New York. In high-cost housing markets, lowering the $1 million cap would add a tax burden on families who already must pay high prices for homes.

  • Home owners already pay 80% to 90% of the income tax in our country, and among those who claim the mortgage interest deduction, almost two-thirds are middle-income earners, says NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun. So home owners, who are the pillars of federal income tax revenue, would have to shoulder a bigger tax burden.

  • It’s faulty to link the mortgage meltdown to the country’s support for home ownership. The meltdown is rooted in lax underwriting and faulty ratings by credit rating agencies of the securities backed by the mortgage, says Yun.

Protecting the deduction promotes housing. In supporting the mortgage interest deduction, you help ensure that tomorrow’s families can follow the same path to homeownership that so many of us have already traveled.

Horizon Properties Inc. is Guam’s leading real estate services provider and property management company. We work diligently to fulfill the requirements of buyers and renters, while working towards a smooth, hassle-free transaction for sellers. Our innovative and “customer first” approach towards property management results in outstanding property care and profitability. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

It Pays to Support Responsible Homeownership (

Helping others become homeowners protects your home’s value and builds stronger communities.

Support programs, such as housing counseling, that help people become responsible homeowners. Image: Antenna/Getty Images

Doing your part to help other Americans gain a foothold on the homeownership ladder doesn’t just help them. You’ll benefit both your community and your own pocketbook.

When people move from renting to owning a home, they’re more likely to vote, get involved in community groups, and care about their home’s appearance. The children of homeowners do 23% better in school, according to a 2001 study by Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. And a steady flow of first-time homebuyers makes it easier to sell your own starter home when you’re ready to move up to a larger property.

Makehousing affordable

One way to make more people homeowners is to make housing more affordable. All U.S. homeowners benefit from policies like the mortgage interest tax deduction. Many use government-backed mortgage insurance to lower loan costs. A variety of public and private programs offer low-cost loans and downpayment assistance to help Americans become homeowners. Help prospective homeowners save a downpayment by donating to sites like EARN, a non-profit that uses donations to match funds saved by low-wage earners.

Reduce foreclosures and preserve home value

Foreclosure matters because it hurts all homeowners. In 2009, foreclosures will cause property values to decline an average of $7,200 for about 70 million homeowners, resulting in a $502 billion loss in home equity, the Center for Responsible Lending estimates. Each foreclosure within 1/8th of a mile of your home lowers your property value about 0.744 percent, CRL says.

“One of the sad lessons of the [recent past] is that we aren’t alone,” says Nicolas P. Retsinas, director of the JCHS. “It’s clear that if the family next door loses their home to foreclosure, my home’s value will go down. Therefore, I have a vested interest in ensuring that people become homeowners and that homeownership is sustained over time.”

One effective tool against foreclosure is educating homeowners before they buy. The Joint Center found that loan delinquencies fell 13% with homeownership counseling. People who go through pre-purchase and post-purchase counseling and learn about mortgages, family budgeting, and home maintenance are less apt to face foreclosure, says Michael Berti, senior homeownership specialist at the Rural Ulster Preservation Company in Kingston, N.Y.

Support groups that help homeowners

One way to do your part to help other homeowners is by donating your time or money to some of the many non-profits that promote responsible homeownership.

Habitat for Humanity partners with new homeowners to build affordable housing. Habitat homes aren’t free. Homeowners work hundreds of hours, get homeownership counseling, and make mortgage payments.

The United Way supports many local programs that build affordable housing, help families build financial assets, and teach financial management skills. If you donate to United Way, you can direct your contribution to those causes.

Homeownership, in San Francisco, tries to intervene where people facing foreclosure have the resources to catch up on their loan. If “the home can’t be saved, we try to get a first-time homebuyer we’ve worked with into the home as quickly as possible to stabilize the neighborhood,” says Interim Director Christi Baker. 

Government programs support homeownership

Supporting federal state, and local programs that help create homeowners is another way you can expand responsible and affordable homeownership.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Federal Housing Authority provide mortgage loan insurance or guarantees that let people buy homes with only a small downpayment and borrow at lower interest rates. 

Government-sponsored groups Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and government-run Ginnie Mae buy and securitize mortgage loans made by banks, freeing up money, so banks can keep lending.

Sites like Govtrack and RollCall help you stay on top of laws that affect homeowners.

HUD’s HOME program provides financial support to state and local housing authorities to build and renovate for-sale and rental housing for lower-income Americans.

In U.S. cities of all sizes, the HOPE VI program has funded plans to replace deteriorating public housing with new low-rise, mixed-income homes. These developments sell most homes at market rates, but designate a percentage for use by low-income homeowners.

How to get involved

You can support responsible homeownership in many ways. Retired construction contractors France and Bill Moriarity travel the country in their RV managing Habitat construction projects. “We like it because it’s a hand up, not a hand out,” France Moriarity says. Habitat volunteers don’t need construction skills and can sign up to work as little as one day at a time. Groups can volunteer together. Organizations like Rebuilding Together and NeighborWorks America sponsor once yearly volunteer events that help lower-income homeowners repair their homes.

In San Francisco, Gregg Lynn convinced 150 people from his professional network to donate a percentage of their income to EARN. Follow his lead by asking your professional network, trade association, or social group to contribute.

Dona DeZube has been writing about real estate for more than two decades. She lives in a suburban Baltimore 1970s rancher on a 3-acre lot shared with possums, raccoons, foxes, a herd of deer, and her blue-tick hound.

 Horizon Properties Inc. is Guam’s leading real estate services provider and property management company. We work diligently to fulfill the requirements of buyers and renters, while working towards a smooth, hassle-free transaction for sellers. Our innovative and “customer first” approach towards property management results in outstanding property care and profitability.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Home Ownership Matters (

Home ownership has a significant impact on net worth, educational achievement, civic participation, health, and overall quality of life. And, home ownership helps create jobs—lots of them—right here at home.

Top of Form

Owning your own home is not only beneficial to you; it also helps create jobs and stimulate the economy. Image: Veer

Home Ownership matters…to people, to communities, and to America. Why?

  • For every two homes sold, one job is created in the U.S.

  • Each purchase generates as much as $60,000 in economic activity over time.

The home ownership debate

Some who care about creating jobs also argue that home ownership may be overrated, and that we might be better off as a nation of renters.

If that’s of concern to you, follow the debate about federal government incentives to home ownership—the outcome of which will determine whether the average American can still get an affordable mortgage and whether home owners can continue to deduct their mortgage interest as a benefit of home ownership

  • Stay in the know on this debate by subscribing to the HouseLogic newsletter and following us on Facebook and Twitter. Sign up in the “Stay Connected” box at the top of this page.

  • Read about the issues affecting you as a home owner right now:

It Pays to Support Responsible Home Ownership
Protect your home’s value and build stronger communities.

Home Ownership Matters Bus Tour Hits the Road
The Home Ownership Matters bus tour, sponsored by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, is revving up to celebrate the benefits of home ownership with you.

How Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Save You Money
Home owners who use Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgages save thousands of dollars in interest payments each year.

Show Your Support for FHA

FHA supports home values by providing a steady source of mortgage financing for families across the country, but critics worry it has taken on too much risk.

Mortgage deduction

Your Mortgage Deduction: Turn Tax Savings into Home Value
Sock away your mortgage deduction tax savings, and you’ll have a nice cushion for life’s necessities—and a few luxuries. Here’s how a typical household might spend their tax savings at various life stages.

7 Mortgage Interest Deduction Myths
Think losing the mortgage interest deduction would be no big deal? We bust seven myths to show why the cost is bigger than you think.

Mortgage Interest Deduction Vital to Housing Market
The mortgage deduction saves the average home owner thousands of dollars at tax time, supports home values at the community level, and helps American home buyers get into their first house.

Deduct Mortgage Interest and Home Equity Loans
Deducting mortgage interest, as well as interest on home equity loans and HELOCs, can save you money on taxes.

MID app
Estimate your tax savings based on the mortgage interest deduction.

  • I am purchasing my first home in Jan 2012 and am very excited. We have wanted to own a home for years, but were never able to do it. We've finally saved up money for our down payment and the interest rates are super low! Very excited and interested in learning all I can about home ownership and what's involved. We referred to this website to get the value of the house we are buying and can see that if we'd have purchased the house 12 months ago it's value was $30,000 more, making it out of reach for us. From what I can tell, the housing market is correcting itself.

Posted by Jennifer on December 27, 2011

  • DO YOUR HOME WORK BEFORE BUYING. The MLS gives realtors the ability to give their own opinion of sf of homes, very deceptive if listed as 1200 sf but on the tax assessors records its 944 sf. Larger homes sell for more money which creates unreliable inflated home sales for marketing comparisons which will again result in inflated appraisals due to the Realtor found additional sf not being reported to be taxed appropriately. Tax records will remain at the lower sf. Gone will be fair market analysis once again. If you feel you are being deceived or find that on tax assessor records the sf is less than what is advertised, make sure you mention this in your call to potentially initiate an investigation. Perhaps, Sellers will have to explain why renovations were not reported. Another thing Realtors are not telling people regarding current tax payments is if the taxes on homes are discounted due to elderly, disability, veteran status. Call the tax assessor and ask if taxes are discounted so you, like I experienced, do not find yourself in budget shock once that discounted rate ends due to the seller discount ending. Realtors should be required to report the additional FOUND sf. Due to owners not obtaining proper permits to do renovations and then once you buy, through assessments (our City just had assessment done with people coming to view the homes) you again may face budget shock. SF will be found meaning you pay the taxes the deceptive homeowners never reported to assessors. If Realtors continue to be allowed this deception our country is in for another round of over-inflated appraisals. Did we not learn our lesson yet, our economy has suffered enough due to this practice

Posted by fdsaf on December 09, 2011

Posted by HouseLogic on August 19, 2011

  • Exactly how does selling 2 homes create 1 job? In order to purchase a home you need a job. Here in the USA jobs a scarce. Still trying to wrap my brain around the every 2 homes sold = 1 job. I guess it's like the food stamps. Food stamps = jobs too....

Posted by Pam on August 18, 2011

Posted by HouseLogic on June 29, 2011

Horizon Properties Inc. is Guam’s leading real estate services provider and property management company. We work diligently to fulfill the requirements of buyers and renters, while working towards a smooth, hassle-free transaction for sellers. Our innovative and “customer first” approach towards property management results in outstanding property care and profitability.